Thank you for writing this important story. I had a virtual Red Pill run-in a few weeks ago, and it was utterly bizarre. A recognised #redpill Twitter user had recommended my book on a #manosphere thread (I shit you not). Having zero idea what these tags meant, I responded to the comment with a quick “thanks” and retweeted it (error). I then received a DM from the #redpill commenter thanking me for my book, but warning me not to associate too closely with him or his tweets due to his anti-feminist stance. I googled Red Pill and deleted my retweet immediately (I left the “thanks” on the thread, though, because I didn’t want to silence myself).
The mind boggles! If you respect a woman enough to recommend her writing (much of which has a feminist tone, I might add), how can you continue to assume she’s a lesser being?